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Voya High Yield Bond Fund Class I (IHYIX)

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7,01 0,00    0,00%
26/09 - Geciken Veriler. Döviz USD ( Feragat )
  • Morningstar Derecelendirmesi:
  • Toplam Varlık: 144,53M
Tür:  Fon
Piyasa:  ABD
İhraççı:  Voya
Varlık Sınıfı:  Tahvil
Voya High Yield Bond I 7,01 0,00 0,00%

IHYIX Genel Bakış

Bu sayfada Voya High Yield Bond Fund Class I hakkında detaylı bir profile ulaşabilirsiniz. Yönetim, toplam varlıklar, yatırım stratejisi, iletişim bilgileri ve IHYIX için diğer bilgileri görüntüleyin.

High Yield Bond

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İrtibat Bilgisi

Adres 7337 E. Doubletree Ranch Road
Scottsdale,AZ 85258
United States
Telefon 1-800-366-0066

Üst Düzey Yöneticiler

İsim Başlık B.Tarihi Bitiş
Mohamed N. Basma Head of Leveraged Credit 2023 Şimdi
Biyografi Mohamed Basma is a managing director, head of leveraged credit at Voya Investment Management. Mohamed also chairs the leveraged credit investment committee. Mohamed is currently a member of the board of directors of the Loan Syndications and Trading Association. Prior at Voya, he was managing director, head of senior loans and global CLOs for leveraged credit, responsible for all aspects of the team’s senior loan and global CLO business and the team’s CLO investing strategies. Prior to joining Voya, Mohamed was a senior auditor and consultant in the audit and business advisory group with Arthur Andersen, LLP, responsible for executing corporate audits and financial consulting engagements. Mohamed earned a BBA from American University of Beirut, Lebanon and an MBA from Arizona State University. He is a CFA® Charterholder.
Randall Parrish Senior Portfolio Manager 2007 Şimdi
Biyografi Randall Parrish, CFA, serves as Senior Portfolio Manager and head of U.S. high-yield at Voya IM. Before being named a portfolio manager in 2007, Mr. Parrish served as a high-yield analyst focused on the media and retail/consumer sectors. Prior to joining Voya IM, Mr. Parrish was a corporate banker in leveraged finance with Sun Trust Bank and predecessors to Bank of America. Randy received a BBA in business administration from the University of Georgia and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Rick Cumberledge Senior Portfolio Manager 2013 2023
Biyografi Rick Cumberledge, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, joined Voya Investment Management in 2007. Prior to that, Mr. Cumberledge was a senior high-yield credit analyst at Federated Investors (2001 – 2007). His previous experience includes positions with American Capital Strategies, Bank of America and Allied Capital. Rick has a BA in business administration from Westminster College and an MSc in finance from the George Washington University. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Matthew Toms CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2010 2018
Biyografi Matt Toms, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income at Voya Investment Management. In this role, he leads a team of more than 100 investment professionals, with broad oversight of Voya’s fixed income platform as well as business management responsibilities. As CIO, Matt serves as the chair of the Fixed Income Asset Allocation Committee, a group that formulates the fixed income platform’s strategic investment themes that in turn informs strategy and risk budgeting across public fixed income portfolios. Matt is also a member of the Investment Committee that is represented by the CIOs from across Voya Investment Management. Before becoming CIO, Matt was head of public fixed income at Voya Investment Management, overseeing the investment teams responsible for investment grade corporate, high yield corporate, structured products, mortgage-backed securities, emerging market debt and money market strategies for Voya’s general account and third-party business. Prior to joining the firm, Matt worked at Calamos Investments, where he built their fixed income business. He also has prior portfolio management experience at Northern Trust and Lincoln National. Matt received a BBA from the University of Michigan and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Daniel J. Doyle Senior Portfolio Manager 2009 2010
Biyografi Daniel Doyle, CFA, Managing Director, joined the firm in 2012. Dan serves as a Senior Portfolio Manager for non-investment grade credit portfolios. In addition, he sits on the Credit Committee for high yield bonds and senior floating rate loans. Prior to joining the firm, Dan was a managing director at SunTrust Robinson Humphrey, specializing in high yield sales. He was also a portfolio manager at various firms, including Henderson Global Investors, ING Investment Management and Zurich Scudder Investments. Dan began his career at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Dan earned a BS from Northern Illinois University and an MBA from the University of Chicago. He has also been awarded the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Greg Jacobs Portfolio Manager 2001 2007
Biyografi Jacobs is a portfolio manager with ING Investment Management. Prior to joining ING, he was an associate portfolio manager with Equitable Investment Services. Jacobs holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Kurt Kringelis Portfolio Manager 2001 2007
Biyografi Kurt Kringelis, CFA, CPA, JD Head Macro Credit Strategist Kurt Kringelis is head macro credit strategist at Voya Investment Management. In this role Kurt provides credit market insight and macro research broadly across the Fixed Income Team. Kurt’s most recent role with the firm was as senior portfolio manager and head of credit strategy within the investment grade team with oversight responsibility for investment grade research. Prior roles with the firm included interim oversight of the emerging markets corporate team and joint oversight responsibility for the high yield team. Prior to joining the firm, Kurt was an associate portfolio manager with the high yield group at Equitable Investment Services where he began his career as a high yield analyst. He received a BS in finance, an MBA and a JD from the University of Illinois. Kurt is a Certified Public Accountant, holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation, and is a licensed attorney in the state of Illinois.
Robert S. Bowman Vice President, Portfolio Manager 1998 2002
Biyografi Bowman is vice president and portfolio manager with Trusco Capital Management. Prior to joining the firm, he served as an assistant trader from 1994 to 1995 and as vice president since 1995 of Crestar Asset Management. He has more than five years of investment experience. Bowman holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
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