Lütfen başka bir arama deneyiniz
İsim | Başlık | B.Tarihi | Bitiş |
Paul Saint Pasteur | Portfolio Manager | 2009 | Şimdi |
Shakil Shah | - | 2009 | Şimdi |
Nigel Jenkins | Managing Director | 2009 | Şimdi |
Biyografi | Nigel Jenkins is a Managing Principal and portfolio manager who has been with Payden & Rygel since 2006. who is responsible for the management of UK and European benchmarked fixed-income and money market portfolios. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Jenkins was a founding partner of Centric Capital LLP, a fixed-income and currency hedge fund focusing on quantitative methodologies. Previously he was head of global fixed-income at WestLB, and a director of the fixed income & currency group at Rothschild Asset Management, both in London. Jenkins holds the ASIP designation of the UK Society of Investment Professionals, a member society of the CFA Institute. He earned a MA degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge. |
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