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Andrew Brough | Portfolio Manager, Co-Head | 1999 | Şimdi |
Biyografi | Andy Brough is the Head of the Pan European Small and Mid Cap team at Schroders, responsible for managing the Schroder UK Mid 250 Fund since its launch in 1999 and the Schroder UK Smaller Companies Fund. He became sole head of the team in 2016, having co-led since 2002. He also took lead management on the Schroder UK Mid Cap investment trust in 2016, having been a manager since May 2003. He joined Schroders in 1987 and is based in London. Andy was a Fund Manager at Schroders from 1987 to 2002, with responsibility for a range of UK mid and small cap retail and institutional portfolios. He began co-managing the Schroder Institutional UK Smaller Companies Fund and the Schroder UK Smaller Companies Fund in 1994. Qualifications: Chartered Accountant; BSc in Economics from Manchester University. |
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