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First Sentier Investors - Stewart Investors Global Emerging Markets Leaders Class B Accumulation Gbp (0P00000S7A)

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6,54 +0,12    +1,84%
27/09 - Kapanış. Döviz GBP ( Feragat )
  • Morningstar Derecelendirmesi:
  • Toplam Varlık: 451,6M
Tür:  Fon
Piyasa:  Birleşik Krallık
İhraççı:  First State Investment Mgmt (UK) Ltd
ISIN:  GB0033874545 
Varlık Sınıfı:  Hisse senedi
Stewart Investors Global Emerging Markets Leaders 6,54 +0,12 +1,84%

0P00000S7A Genel Bakış

Bu sayfada First Sentier Investors - Stewart Investors Global Emerging Markets Leaders Class B Accumulation Gbp hakkında detaylı bir profile ulaşabilirsiniz. Yönetim, toplam varlıklar, yatırım stratejisi, iletişim bilgileri ve 0P00000S7A için diğer bilgileri görüntüleyin.

Global Emerging Markets Equity

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Adres Sudirman Central Business District
London,- EC2M 7EB
United Kingdom
Telefon +44 20 73326500
Faks 44 (0)20 7332 6501

Üst Düzey Yöneticiler

İsim Başlık B.Tarihi Bitiş
David Gait Lead Portfolio Manager 2022 Şimdi
Biyografi David Gait is Head of the Stewart Investors Investment Team and a Portfolio Manager. He sits on the Stewart Investors Board. David joined the team as a graduate in 1997. He is Lead Manager of the Asia Pacific Leaders Sustainability and Asia Pacific Sustainability strategies, as well as Pacific Assets Trust. David holds an MA with honours in Economics from Cambridge University, and holds a Master of Science in Investment Analysis from Stirling University.
Jack Nelson - 2022 Şimdi
Biyografi Jack Nelson is a Portfolio Manager at Stewart Investors. He joined the team in September 2011 as a graduate. Jack is Lead Manager of the Global Emerging Markets Leaders Sustainability strategy. He holds a MA (Oxon) in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Queen’s College, Oxford.
Alex Summers Portfolio Manager 2021 2022
Tom Prew - 2019 2022
Biyografi Tom Prew is a Portfolio Manager and Analyst with the St Andrews Partners team at Stewart Investors. He joined the team as a graduate in 2006. Tom’s portfolio responsibilities include lead management of some GEM All Cap strategies, several other GEM strategies and Frontiers strategies. He is co-manager on a number of GEM Leaders strategies. Tom has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Jurisprudence from Lincoln College, Oxford.
Chris Grey - 2019 2022
Ashish Swarup Portfolio Manager 2016 2019
Biyografi Ashish joined the predecessor business of Stewart Investors in 2014. During his time at Stewart Investors he was Lead Manager on a few Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific strategies, including Stewart Investors Emerging Markets Leaders Fund. He was with Fidelity between 2004 and 2014. In 2008, he launched an Emerging Markets Equity Strategy with high-quality companies, which became Fidelity Institutional Asset Management (FIAM) EM All Cap in 2010. He managed this strategy until his departure in 2014.
Jonathan Asante Head 2004 2016
Biyografi Jonathan Asante joined First State Investments’ Global Emerging Markets team as Senior Analyst in November 2004 and in January 2008 was appointed Head of Global Emerging Markets. His primary area of research is the entire emerging markets universe and he acts in the capacity of Co-Manager for a number of our portfolios. Jonathan joined from Framlington where he was Global Emerging Markets Fund Manager and Group Economist. Prior to joining Framlington in 1995, he was employed by NatWest Group where he was an Assistant Researcher, analysing the UK economy and UK credit markets. Previous to this Jonathan taught classes in economics and econometrics at the London School of Economics whilst doing postgraduate research. Jonathan graduated from the London School of Economics with BSc and MSc in Economics. He is an Associate member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals.
Glen Finegan Head 2011 2013
Biyografi Glen is the Lead Portfolio Manager and a Co-Managing Partner at Skerryvore, which he established in partnership with BennBridge in 2019. Prior to Skerryvore Asset Management, Glen was the Head of Global Emerging Market Equities at Janus Henderson from January 2015 to May 2019. Glen began his investment career in 2001 at First State Stewart (formerly First State Investments). At First State Stewart, Glen was a lead portfolio manager on several strategies including - Frontier, All Cap and Leaders portfolios. Glen holds a BEng (Hons) in civil engineering and an MSc in oceanography, both from the University of Southampton.
David Gait Lead Portfolio Manager 2009 2011
Biyografi David Gait is Head of the Stewart Investors Investment Team and a Portfolio Manager. He sits on the Stewart Investors Board. David joined the team as a graduate in 1997. He is Lead Manager of the Asia Pacific Leaders Sustainability and Asia Pacific Sustainability strategies, as well as Pacific Assets Trust. David holds an MA with honours in Economics from Cambridge University, and holds a Master of Science in Investment Analysis from Stirling University.
Angus Tulloch Joint Managing Partner 2003 2009
Biyografi Angus Tulloch is Joint Managing Partner of the Asia Pacific/ Global Emerging Markets equity team at First State Investments. Angus’ primary focus is stock selection and portfolio construction. Graduating from Cambridge University in 1970 with a BA (Honours) in Economics and History, Angus worked with Chartered Accountants Whinney Murray (now Ernst & Young) for four years. He then gained substantial industry experience in corporate planning and finance roles with various national companies before joining London stockbrokers Cazenove & Co in 1980. Specialising mainly in Far Eastern markets, Angus spent three of the next eight years with this firm based in Hong Kong as a regional analyst before assuming a fund management role in its London office. In 1988 he returned to Scotland, joining Stewart Ivory (subsequently bought by First State Investments) to establish an Asia Pacific and Emerging Markets capability. Since then, Angus and his team have won many industry awards.
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0P00000S7A Yorumları

First Sentier Investors - Stewart Investors Global Emerging Markets Leaders Class B Accumulation Gbp hakkında düşüncelerinizi yazın
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