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Edgewood Growth Fund Retail Class (EGFFX)

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Pozisyon başarıyla eklendi:

Lütfen varlık portföyünüze isim verin
47,11 -0,25    -0,53%
25/09 - Geciken Veriler. Döviz USD ( Feragat )
  • Morningstar Derecelendirmesi:
  • Toplam Varlık: 458,15M
Tür:  Fon
Piyasa:  ABD
İhraççı:  Edgewood
Varlık Sınıfı:  Hisse senedi
Edgewood Growth Retail 47,11 -0,25 -0,53%

EGFFX Genel Bakış

Bu sayfada Edgewood Growth Fund Retail Class hakkında detaylı bir profile ulaşabilirsiniz. Yönetim, toplam varlıklar, yatırım stratejisi, iletişim bilgileri ve EGFFX için diğer bilgileri görüntüleyin.

Large Growth

Toplam Varlık




Sözleşme Başlangıcı


İrtibat Bilgisi

Adres P.O. Box 219009
Kansas City,MO 64121
United States
Telefon 1-800-791-4226

Üst Düzey Yöneticiler

İsim Başlık B.Tarihi Bitiş
Alan W. Breed President/Portfolio Manager 2006 Şimdi
Biyografi Alan joined Edgewood Management in 1994 as a Partner and a member of the Investment Committee from First Boston Corporation where he was a vice-president in the institutional equity department and a member of the firm's stock selection committee. In addition to his years at First Boston, Alan worked at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. where he completed its equity research training program and joined the equity department. Alan graduated cum laude from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management with an MBA where he was on the dean’s list. He graduated from Emory University with a BA in economics. Alan serves as a trustee emeritus at the University of Richmond and past chair of the Investment Committee. He is a former member of the board of the Stoney Wold Herbert fund where he acted as Investment Chair and a past member of the Board of the Greenwich Retirement System, and until the end of 2018 a board member of Greenwich Hospital where he also chaired the Investment Committee.
Lawrence G. Creel Vice President 2006 Şimdi
Biyografi Larry joined Edgewood Management in 1997 as a Partner. Larry is a portfolio manager and a member of the Investment Committee. Prior to joining Edgewood he spent twelve years at Donaldson Lufkin and Jenrette, a New York based investment bank. Larry was a Vice President at DLJ in the firm’s equities division and was responsible for the firm’s top institutional accounts. He is a graduate of Lake Forest College and attended the New York University Stern School of Business. Larry is on the Board of Trustees at Second Stage Theater in New York City.
Kevin R. Seth Partner/Portfolio Manager 2006 Şimdi
Biyografi Kevin joined Edgewood Management in 1995 as a Partner after nine years as an institutional salesman for Credit Suisse First Boston. He is a member of Edgewood’s Investment Committee. Kevin worked for First Boston in London, New York and Boston covering institutional accounts in the U.S. and Australia. Prior to First Boston, Kevin worked in London from 1983 to 1986 for Robert Fleming Ltd. as a North American equities analyst and junior portfolio manager. He is a graduate of Montana State University with a BS degree in Economics and Pre-Law. Kevin served for 4 years as a member of the Board of Governors in addition to being a member and past chairman of the Investment Committee for the Montana State University Foundation for which he served 12 years. Kevin is currently on the board of the New Canaan Public Library and more recently the National Park Trust as a board member and a member of the finance committee as well as development and land acquisition committees.
Alexander M. Farman-Farmaian Partner/Vice-Chairman/Portfolio Manager 2006 Şimdi
Biyografi Alexander Farman-Farmaian is Vice Chairman, Partner and Portfolio Manager at Edgewood. He joined in January 2006 and helped implement the current valuation approach of the Edgewood Investment Committee. He is an analyst on portfolio companies, served as Director of Research, and produces the “Economents™”, a periodic economic and financial markets update for clients. Prior to joining Edgewood, Alex was for 19 years a senior member of the Portfolio Management team at W.P. Stewart & Co. where he chaired the Investment Oversight Committee. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR - NY), the World Presidents’ Organization (WPO), and serves as a Trustee of the International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC), an organization that promotes access to health services and fundamental human rights of women and girls around the world. Alex also serves on the New York regional as well as the National Boards of CollegeSpring, a non-profit which educates low income high-school students in SAT & ACT college entry testing. Alex was formerly President of the Princeton Club of New York, is a member of the Economics Club of New York and is on the board of Kalinat S.A., a potato chip manufacturing company in Caracas, Venezuela. He received a BA in Economics from Princeton University in 1987, and speaks fluent French, Spanish, Farsi and conversational Italian.
Scott Edwardson - 2006 Şimdi
Biyografi Scott graduated from the University of Michigan in 1992 with a BSE in Industrial and Operations Engineering. After college he worked at Ford Motor Company in forecasting, planning, and logistics for five years before leaving to attend graduate school. Scott graduated with honors from Columbia University Graduate School of Business in 2000 receiving an MBA in Finance and Accounting and is currently a member of Hermes Society Leadership Committee. While studying full time at Columbia he worked as an analyst at Gabelli Asset Management and later interned at Edgewood Management. He accepted a Senior Research position with Edgewood Management in 2000 and was promoted to Managing Director in 2010 and was then made a Partner in December 2016. Scott is currently a member of the Fairfield County Bank Board of Directors.
Peter H. Jennison Partner/Portfolio Manager 2006 Şimdi
Biyografi Peter joined Edgewood Management in January 2006 as a Partner. He is a member of Edgewood’s Investment Committee. Prior to joining Edgewood, Peter was at W.P. Stewart & Co. for 16 years where he was a senior member of the US equity research and money management teams and was responsible for approximately 10% of the Firm's total assets. He was also President and Portfolio Manager of the W.P. Stewart Growth Fund, a ‘40 Act mutual fund. While under Peter's management, the Fund achieved a Morningstar five star rating. Peter began his career as a specialist clerk on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and later became a Research Coordinator at Shearson Lehman Brothers, Inc. While at Shearson, he managed discretionary accounts for individuals with a focus on quality growth shares. He was educated at Babson College and Columbia University. He serves on the Advisory Board of The Johns Hopkins Department of Neurosurgery.
Nicholas A. Stephens Partner/Retired Portfolio Manager 2006 2024
Biyografi Nick joined Edgewood Management in 1984 as an analyst after three years at Coopers & Lybrand as a management consultant. He became a Managing Director in 1986, was given portfolio management responsibilities in 1987, and was promoted to Partner in 1993. He is a member of Edgewood’s Investment Committee.  Nick graduated from Bennington College in 1977 with a BA in Literature and from Columbia University Graduate School of Business in 1981 with an MBA in Finance. Nick is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. He is a long-time member of the board of the Greater New York Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and is currently its Chairman.
James A. Robillard President 2006 2015
Biyografi Mr. Robillard serves as President and Chief Investment Officer of the Spyglass Capital Management LLC. Prior to founding the Spyglass in 2015, Mr. Robillard served as Managing Director of Edgewood Management, LLC from 2010 to 2015, and as Senior Research Analyst of the same firm from 2004 to 2010. Mr. Robillard was also a member of the portfolio management team for the Edgewood Growth Fund (EGFIX) from 2006 to 2015. Mr. Robillard previously served in other roles at Van Wagoner Capital Management from 1999 to 2002 and Baron Capital Management from 1996 to 1999. Mr. Robillard graduated from Vanderbilt University with a BA and received an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business (currently the University of Chicago Booth School of Business) with concentrations in Finance and Accounting in 2004.
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