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Ariel International Fund Investor Class (0P0000UDVY)

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Pozisyon başarıyla eklendi:

Lütfen varlık portföyünüze isim verin
15,630 -0,090    -0,57%
20/09 - Kapanış. Döviz USD ( Feragat )
  • Morningstar Derecelendirmesi:
  • Toplam Varlık: 19,01M
Tür:  Fon
Piyasa:  ABD
İhraççı:  Ariel Investments
Varlık Sınıfı:  Hisse senedi
Ariel International Fund Investor Class 15,630 -0,090 -0,57%

0P0000UDVY Genel Bakış

Bu sayfada Ariel International Fund Investor Class hakkında detaylı bir profile ulaşabilirsiniz. Yönetim, toplam varlıklar, yatırım stratejisi, iletişim bilgileri ve 0P0000UDVY için diğer bilgileri görüntüleyin.

Foreign Large Value

Toplam Varlık




Sözleşme Başlangıcı


İrtibat Bilgisi

Adres Suite 2900
Chicago,IL 60601
United States
Telefon 312-726-0140

Üst Düzey Yöneticiler

İsim Başlık B.Tarihi Bitiş
Vivian Lubrano SVP, Gl. Eq. PM and Senior Research Analyst 2024 Şimdi
Biyografi Senior Vice President, Global Equities Portfolio Manager and Senior Research Analyst Portfolio Manager: Ariel International (DM), Ariel International (DM/EM), Ariel Global, Ariel International Fund, Ariel Global Fund Vivian functions as Portfolio Manager and a Senior Research Analyst on Ariel's global equities team, which encompasses our international and global strategies. She joined from AllianceBernstein (AB) where she spent over 15 years—most recently as portfolio manager for both the AB Diversity Champions–a thematic, global equities portfolio focused on diversity, equity and inclusion—and AB Responsible U.S. Equity (ReUSE)—a large-cap U.S. equities portfolio exclusive to Bernstein Private Wealth Management. Before becoming a portfolio manager, Vivian was a senior research analyst on AB's emerging markets value and emerging markets strategic core offerings where over the years her research spanned financials, internet, construction and construction materials, consumer cyclicals, consumer staples, and industrials companies. She began her career as an investment banking analyst in the global leveraged and corporate finance division at Merrill Lynch & Company. A native of the Dominican Republic, and fluent in Spanish and French, she earned a BS in operations research and industrial engineering from Cornell University and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Micky Jagirdar SVP, Head of Investments, Global Equities, PM; Co-PM 2023 Şimdi
Biyografi Micky is Portfolio Manager of our separately managed international and global strategies and funds, Co-Portfolio Manager of our global concentrated strategy as well as Head of Investments for the global equities team, where he is charged with leading thought-provoking discussions and augmenting the critical thinking skills of the research team. Micky joined Ariel in 2011 after spending over eight years as an equity research analyst at various investment firms, including Smith Jacobs and September Group Partners, where he focused on global absolute return strategies. In 2020, Micky obtained the FSA credential, awarded by the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board for professionals who understand the link between sustainability and financial performance. Fluent in several Indian languages including Hindi, Micky earned a Bachelor of Commerce in accounting and finance from the University of Mumbai and an MBA in finance and investments from the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College.
Henry Mallari-D’Auria Chief Investment Officer, Emerging Markets Equities 2023 Şimdi
Biyografi Henry serves as Ariel’s chief investment officer of emerging markets value and is responsible for overseeing the emerging markets research effort and portfolio management activities. For over 20 years, he was the chief investment officer of emerging markets value equities and portfolio manager of the Next 50 Emerging Markets Fund at AllianceBernstein (AB). Previously, Henry held the position of Co-CIO of international value equities at AB for nearly nine years. His vast emerging markets experience dates back to 1996 when he served as the bank analyst at the launch of AB’s EMV portfolio. Henry held various leadership positions at AB, including heading its global value research department from 1998 through 2002, director of research of small cap value equities and director of research of emerging markets value equities. He first joined AB in 1991 as a research analyst focused on consumer and natural gas companies, which expanded to coverage in the financial-services industry. In the earlier part of his career, Henry was a vice president and sell-side analyst at PaineWebber, where he concentrated on the restaurant, lodging and retail industries. Henry holds a BA in economics from Trinity College and is a CFA Charterholder.
Rupal J. Bhansali Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager, Global Equities 2011 2023
Biyografi Rupal Bhansali is chief investment officer and portfolio manager of Ariel’s global equity strategies. In this capacity, she oversees our global research effort and manages multi-billion dollar portfolios. She also co-manages our global concentrated strategy. Rupal joined Ariel in 2011 after 10 years with MacKay Shields where she was senior managing director, portfolio manager and head of international equities. Previously, she spent 5 years at Oppenheimer Capital, where she was responsible for international and global equity portfolios and was promoted to co-head of international equities. Additionally, Rupal has held various roles at other financial services firms since she began her career in 1989, including Soros Fund Management. In 2009, Forbes International Investment Report named her a “Global Guru,” in 2015, Barron’s recognized her as a “Global Contrarian,” and in 2017 PBS’s Consuelo Mack referred to her as an “unconventional thinker.” In 2019, Rupal became the newest member of the prestigious Barron’s Investment Roundtable, which showcases “10 of Wall Street’s smartest investors.” She was also awarded the North American Industry Leadership Award by 100 Women in Finance. In 2020, Rupal obtained the FSA credential, awarded by the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) for professionals who understand the link between sustainability and financial performance. She is a frequent guest on Bloomberg, CNBC and Fox Business News, and authored the book, Non-Consensus Investing: Being Right When Everyone Else Is Wrong. Rupal was also featured on the Barron's Top 100 Women in US Finance in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Rupal serves on the Advisory Board of Directors of the Ira M. Millstein Center for Global Markets and Corporate Ownership at Columbia Law School, and the Board of Directors of the 100 Women in Finance Global Association. Fluent in several Indian languages including Hindi, Rupal earned a Bachelor of Commerce in accounting and finance, as well as a Master of Commerce in international finance and banking from the University of Mumbai. She later earned an MBA in finance from the University of Rochester, where she was a Rotary Foundation Scholar.
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  • Söyleşiyi zenginleştirin.
  • Bağlamı koruyun. Sadece tartışılan konuyla ilgili bilgileri gönderin.
  • Saygılı olun. Eleştirel görüşler, pozitif ve diplomatik bir üslupla anlatılabilir.
  • Standart yazı stili kullanın. Noktalama, küçük ve büyük harf kullanın, imla kurallarına uyun.
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0P0000UDVY Yorumları

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Ekteki grafiği yeni bir grafikle değiştirmek istiyor musunuz?
Yorum yapma yetkiniz olumsuz puanlama sebebiyle kısıtlanmıştır. Durumunuz moderatörlerimiz tarafından incelenecektir.
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