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Allianz Glb Dyn Mult Asst Strat 50 (0P00000ZH2)

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Allianz Global Strategy 30 geçmiş verileridir. Lütfen canlı veriler için başka bir arama yapınız
5,397 +0,060    +1,16%
24/04 - Kapanış. Döviz EUR ( Feragat )
  • Morningstar Derecelendirmesi:
  • Toplam Varlık: 44,57M
Tür:  Fon
Piyasa:  İtalya
İhraççı:  Allianz Global Investors GmbH
ISIN:  IT0003727325 
Varlık Sınıfı:  Hisse senedi
Allianz Global Strategy 30 5,397 +0,060 +1,16%

0P00000ZH2 Genel Bakış

Bu sayfada Allianz Glb Dyn Mult Asst Strat 50 hakkında detaylı bir profile ulaşabilirsiniz. Yönetim, toplam varlıklar, yatırım stratejisi, iletişim bilgileri ve 0P00000ZH2 için diğer bilgileri görüntüleyin.

EUR Moderate Allocation - Global

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Adres L-2633 Senningerberg
Frankfurt am Main, 60323
Telefon +49 (0) 69 2443-1140
Faks Milano

Üst Düzey Yöneticiler

İsim Başlık B.Tarihi Bitiş
Kelvin CHOW - 2022 2024
Biyografi Kelvin joined the group in 2010 and has over 14 years of experience in the financial industry. He focuses on the development of quantitative models and is specialized in technical analysis across multi-asset classes including equites, fixed income and currencies. Kelvin is responsible for generating and implementing the strategic tactical asset allocation , monitoring the portfolio risk and rebalancing the positions for the mixed asset funds in Hong Kong. He has solid and deep knowledge in Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) and Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (ORSO) scheme area. Prior to joining AllianzGI, he was under the portfolio construction team in BNP Paribas investment, responsible for rebalancing and implementing investment strategies. He has a B.Sc. degree in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is also a CAIA charter holder.
Zijian Yang Portfolio Manager 2021 2024
Biyografi Dr Zijian Yang is the Head of Multi Asset Asia Pacific of Allianz Global Investors, based in Singapore. He was a portfolio manager in several Multi Asset teams with AllianzGI between 2008 and 2017, first located in Frankfurt am Main and later in Hong Kong. His last position was a senior vice president for Multi Asset Solutions at AllianceBernstein in Singapore, where he oversaw investment activities for multi asset in Asia. Zijian was also previously a fund manager at Schroders in Hong Kong, responsible for their flagship Multi Asset Fund of Funds business. Zijian holds a PhD degree in Computational Finance from the University of Essex, and he has been a CFA charterholder since 2012.
Makoto Kushino Senior Portfolio Manager 2021 2024
Biyografi Makoto Kushino is a portfolio manager in the Multi Asset Asia team of Allianz Global Investors, Japan. Before joining AllianzGI, Makoto was a senior trader at Capula Investment Japan, specialising in trend following and global macro relative value strategies. Prior to that, Makoto was a portfolio manager of an absolute return bond fund at Vontobel Asset Management, Switzerland. Makoto obtained a BSc in Polymer Science from the Kyoto Institute of Technology, and holds a MSc in Financial Mathematics from the University of Edinburgh and Heriot Watt University.
Gary Chen - 2020 2022
Biyografi Gary Chen is a Portfolio Manager in the Multi Asset Asia Pacific team at Allianz Global Investors since 2014. He shares in the responsibilities of the Multi Asset business and its mandates in the Asia Pacific region, especially asset allocation mandates and volatility-controlled mandates. He is also a member of the Fundamental Multi Asset Investment Council. Prior to that, he worked as in-house Legal Counsel at Allianz Global Investors, responsible for providing legal advice to the firm’s Asia business in various aspects. His diverse prior experience includes infrastructure debt investing, working on mergers and acquisitions as well as practicing law for both legal practices and financial institutions. Gary holds a MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and law degrees from Duke Law School and Bond University.
Stefan Rittner Portfolio Manager 2017 2020
Biyografi Stefan Rittner is a portfolio manager in the multi asset team of Allianz Global Investors Japan Co., Ltd. He manages various multi asset portfolios and develops cross-asset investment strategies. Before joining the team in Japan, Stefan was a portfolio manager in the Multi Asset Active Allocation team of Allianz Global Investors GmbH in Frankfurt, where he was responsible for European retaistrategies, including unit-linked funds, allocation advice mandates and digital solutions. Prior to joining Allianz Global Investors in 2014, he participated in a post-graduate special scholarship program of the German Academic Exchange Service in Japan. He studied Business Administration at the University of Mannheim (MSc, BSc) and International Business at the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University (MIB) and Hitotsubashi University. Stefan became a CFA charter holder in 2018.
Jürgen Bokr Portfolio Manager 2016 2020
Biyografi Dr. Jürgen Bokr is a portfolio manager in the Multi Asset - Active Allocation Retail Multi Channel team of Allianz Global Investors. He joined the company in 1995 as a portfolio manager for bonds. Since 2002 he has been responsible for the management of multi asset portfolios including asset allocation, equity and bond portfolios and advises the Trust Department of Commerzbank AG.
Friedrich Kruse - 2016 2017
Biyografi Dr Friedrich Kruse is a portfolio manager in Allianz Global Investors‘ Multi Asset team located in Frankfurt. He is also a member of the Multi Asset Research & Development group. Previously he worked in the locations Tokyo and New York for the firm. Prior to joining Allianz Global Investors in February 2011, he worked as research assistant at the university chair of finance at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management where he obtained his PhD. He has been a PhD visiting scholar at New York University Stern School of Business. His doctoral research is focused on nonlinear predictions, portfolio optimization and discrete time finance. Friedrich has made work experience with Bankhaus Metzler and Dresdner Kleinwort. He holds a master’s degree in business economics from the University of Passau and was a BA visiting student at the University of Lund in Sweden. Friedrich is also a CFA charterholder.
Massimiliano Pallotta - 2015 2016
Biyografi Massimiliano Pallotta has been a portfolio manager in the Retail Unit Linked team of Allianz GIobal Investors Multi Asset Europe in Frankfurt since 2013. He manages various multi asset portfolios for institutional and retail clients. Before joining Allianz Global Investors in Frankfurt in 2013, Massimiliano was Quantitative Portfolio Manager in AllianzGI in Milan where he had worked in risk management since 1997 and also managed multi asset, equity and capital protected portfolios from 2004. He has been working in the industry since 1995. Massimiliano graduated in Mathematics at the University of Milan.
Roberto Bottoli - 2013 2016
Livio Raimondi - 2008 2012
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0P00000ZH2 Yorumları

Allianz Glb Dyn Mult Asst Strat 50 hakkında düşüncelerinizi yazın
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