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Konferanslar & Kongreler

TradeTech Swaps & Derivatives

Kurs Sağlayıcısı:  WBR Ltd
Başlangıç: 21.05.2013 12:00
Bitiş: 23.05.2013 20:00
1 America Square, 17 Crosswall,
Birleşik Krallık
Fiyat: Lütfen Siteye Giriniz
Telefon: + 44 (0) 20 7368 9497
Faks: + 44 (0) 20 7368 9401
Regulation ruled the derivatives world in 2012 with the very demanding and complex Dodd Frank Act in the United States and the slow-moving EMIR regulation in Europe. Derivatives trading, technology, middle & back office professionals have been vigilant with regulatory developments that will have a profound impact on the way they operate and on the financial industry as a whole.

The 2nd annual TradeTech Swaps & Derivatives conference will thoroughly examine the practicalities of these regulations and provide front, middle & back office with a crystal clear examination of the market structure to ensure you thrive in the new derivatives ecosystem. TradeTech Swaps & Derivatives will also analyze how derivatives professionals are effectively putting in place technology as well as maximizing revenue within the new regulatory environment and transparency requirements.

To ensure you receive even more valuable targeted feedback and to allow you to benchmark against tomorrow’s best practice, the entire afternoon on 21 May will consist of roundtables for 12-15 participants per topic. These roundtables have been designed for different departments.
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