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Net Finance Interactive

Kurs Sağlayıcısı:  WBR Ltd
Başlangıç: 29.11.2016 03:00
Bitiş: 01.12.2016 03:00
Park Hyatt Aviara Resort, 7100 Aviara Resort Drive, Carlsbad,
Estados Unidos
Fiyat: Visit Site
Telefon: +1 (888) 482.6012
net finance

What is Netfinance Interactive?

Inspiration and Leadership
The event for FS executives, NetFinance Interactive is the one-stop shop for digital and multi-channel thought leaders. It’s an event where you’ll learn, gain inspiration and find solutions for your business – all while building lasting relationships. 

Excellent Content
This year, we’ll have topics covering the full spectrum digital success from online marketing and mobile to customer acquisition and retention strategies. At NetFinance, we aim to spark new insights for you so if you have a challenge, we’ve got you covered.

Join Our Growing Community!
Expand your network though fun and interactive networking with a large group of leading Financial companies like MasterCard, Morgan Stanley, Nationwide and more! This is where the community meets to make new friends and to establish new collections.

Be Inspired. Learn from 50+ Digital and Multi-Channel Speakers from leading Financial Institutions
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