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Konferanslar & Kongreler

25th International Scientific Conference on Economic&Social Development

Kurs Sağlayıcısı:  Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency
Başlangıç: 30.10.2017 11:00
Bitiş: 31.10.2017 22:00
Russian State Social University - Vilgelma Pika 4, bld. 1,
Rusya Federasyonu
Fiyat: Visit site

We are happy to announce the First Call for the 25th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - XXVII International Social Congress (ISC-2017). Topics are focused, not limited to recent challenges in modern national economies and business enterprises.
In cooperation with: Russian State Social University, University North and Faculty of Management University of Warsaw. 

Please consider submitting an abstract for the Conference within next few weeks. We proudly hope to have your distinguish name among authors and participants. After receiving the full texts, The Scientific Committee will decide which papers should be included in the Plenary Session.

 TopicsSocial Trends and Changes
  • Social and Economic Changes of the Today's World
  • Sociocultural Changes of Global Social and Economic Process
  • Interaction of National Economies, Cultures and Civilizations
  • Migration Processes in the World and in Russia
  • Social and Economic Risks of the World Economy Development
  • Ecological and Economic Problems of the Today's World
  • Informal Economy
Globalization and Challenges of the Modern World
  • Contemporary Economy and Globalization
  • The Economic Impact on Social Development and Democracy
  • Regional Development
  • National Economies Between Liberalization and Intervention
  • International and Local Capital Markets
  • Education and Knowledge Management
  • Towards Modern Welfare Economics
  • Modern Tendencies in Economy and Management of Tourism
Enterprise in Turbulent Environment
  • Building a Resilient Organization
  • The Economics of Modern Enterprise
  • Planning or Predicting: Concepts and Models
  • Corporate Governance
  • Manufacturing: Strategy, Technology, and Organization
  • Human Capital Management
  • Marketing Perspective
  • The Legal Environment of Business
  • Business Continuity
  • ICT Support to Business Activities
  • Corporate Finance
  • Accounting and Auditing
Entrepreneurship Caught Between Creativity and Bureaucracy
  • The Role of SMEs in National Economies
  • SMEs in Global Value Chains
  • Education for Creativity
  • Submission of abstracts for review: August 20, 2017
  • Notification of abstract acceptance: August 25, 2017
  • Submission of complete/full papers for the proceedings: September 20, 2017
  • Notification of full paper acceptance: September 25, 2017
  • Early registration: October 5, 2017
  • Final registration: October 15, 2017
  • Conceiving and finalizing the esd-Conference program: October 20, 2017
  • ESD Conference sessions: October 30-31, 2017
Program will be available few days before the conference.
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